Useful links

I have included a list of links that you may find useful while your child is completing this course:


Curriculum Guides

This link will give you access to the Curriculum Guide for Sciences 7.

This link will give you access to the curriculum guide in English.


School Website

This link will give you access to the school's website. You will be able to access lots of information there, as well as a link to k12planet.



This link will give you access to k12planet, which is a site designed for interaction between the school and home. Here you will be able to see a list of homework and assignments that are due, as well as get access to your child's progress in their courses.


Canadian Parents for French

This link will connect you to Canadian Parents for French, which is a terrific website for parents of students learning French. There are lots of tips for helping your child with their studies in French, as well as many ressources for you to access.

Discovering Science

This link will give you direct access to the textbook online. You will require a username and password, so if you do not have one and are having trouble getting one please contact me so I can help you.